Treat Your Sun-Kissed Skin With Professional Spa Services

When the temperature rises, most individuals take the opportunity to wear skin-baring outfits and participate in summertime activities. However, excessive sun exposure and parching weather can take a toll on the skin, leaving it dry, damaged, and dull. Patients who are concerned about their lackluster complexion can benefit from minimally invasive and medical-grade treatments that are designed for their specific needs. Pure Gold Medical Center offers several spa services that can restore the skin to a softer, brighter, and healthier condition.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can smooth fine lines, address acne, and soften the texture of the skin using an acidic solution to dissolve dead skin cells. At Pure Gold Medical Center, patients can choose from the following peels:

  • VI Peel®: This line of peel products are entirely customizable for a range of skin types and aesthetic concerns. Depending on the severity of your condition, one or more products may be recommended to obtain optimal results.
  • Restorative peels: These mid-grade peels revive aged or damaged skin to restore its overall appearance using either Jessner’s peel or TCA. Each treatment is tailored to the patient’s unique objectives. 
  • Pure Gold Exclusive Rejuvenation Peel: This mid-grade peel, created exclusively at Pure Gold Medical Center, delivers consistent rejuvenation results. The formulas may include Jessner’s solution, TCA, or a combination of the two. 
  • Perfect Derma Peel: Patients with compound skin concerns can benefit from the Perfect Derma Peel. With its unique blend of acids and antioxidants, the Perfect Derma Peel treats a range of skin issues virtually anywhere on the body. 

Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Treatments

male facial treatment

Patients at Pure Gold Medical Center can maintain their skin’s natural beauty with personalized and regularly scheduled facial treatments. Alpha and beta hydroxy facials are particularly effective in balancing oily skin, smoothing fine lines, and treating acne. This treatment can be used as a standalone service or as a method of preserving the effects of another skin procedure. 


Microdermabrasion involves mechanical exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and reveal the brighter surface underneath. It also stimulates the production of rejuvenating collagen, which helps rebuild the structure of the skin. Minimal peeling may occur following treatment, but the results are visible almost immediately. With microdermabrasion, patients will see quick, natural effects and enjoy a youthful aesthetic that lasts. 

To see which spa treatments can help you achieve healthier skin, please schedule your consultation at Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!