Fill Up on Fillers Now for the Holidays!

Do you have holiday parties coming up between now and the end of the year? Thanksgiving with your inlaws, Christmas with the family, and a fun night out on New Year’s Eve! That sounds like such a fun few months, but are you ready?! So many men and women feel like they need to look their best when they’re closing out one year and getting ready for the next, and that’s totally normal and OK. Facial fillers at Pure Gold Medical Center can help you look natural, yet refreshed and ready to take on whatever comes next!

Planning your injectable treatment now gives you the perfect opportunity to look as good as you feel. You’ll have enough time to let the injectable settle into place and begin working its magic by creating a smooth, flawless complexion. Holiday photos, kisses under the mistletoe, and ringing in the new year in style is just an appointment away! Let’s discuss the options we have for you at Pure Gold Medical Center.

What Is a Filler?

Facial fillers are injectable treatments that fill the skin in order to enhance the appearance of the face, lips, or hands that have lost volume over time. The most common treatment areas include the nasolabial folds, under the eyes, the cheeks, the temples, the lips, the hands, and more!

Once injected, the substance fills in and plumps the area, making the treated area look more full, youthful, and refreshed.

Most dermal fillers consist of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a substance found naturally in the body and works by attracting and retaining moisture to tighten and smooth the skin for a healthy and hydrated look. At Pure Gold Medical Center, we offer the JUVÉDERM® Collection of Fillers for aesthetic enhancement. This Collection is FDA approved and trusted by many men and women who undergo filler treatments.

The JUVÉDERM® Collection of Fillers

Most of the JUVÉDERM fillers provide instant results that can last for up to two years. There are a few different options that we offer, and our injection specialists can help to determine which treatment would be best for you during your consultation. The JUVÉDERM dermal fillers that we offer include:

  • JUVÉDERM® XC: Restores volume to the skin and smooths facial wrinkles and creases
  • JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC: Lifts and contours the apples of the cheeks, improves the jowls, and helps define the jawline
  • JUVÉDERM VOLLURE® XC: Adds subtle volume to smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and lines
  • JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC: Enhances and smooths the lips

There are so many ways to naturally enhance your appearance for the holidays, and we are ready for you. Let us help you achieve the facial aesthetic you desire


For more information about dermal fillers, please schedule your consultation at Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!

Why Should I Add BOTOX® Cosmetic to My Beauty Routine?

The aging process is controlled mainly by your genetics, but environmental factors, repetitive motions, and general skin health can also alter the appearance of your skin. Lines and wrinkles form over time, creating the appearance of older-looking skin. But, wrinkles also appear when you make the same facial expression over, and over, and over again. Do you remember when your mom used to tell you not to make that face or else it would freeze that way?! She was right. Now is that time. Over time, our bodies lose collagen and elastin and the proteins in our skin begin to break down, resulting in unwanted lines and wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, and between the brows (among other places). It’s not too late, though! We can help.

At Pure Gold Medical Center, we offer BOTOX® Cosmetic to temporarily reduce the appearance of these lines and wrinkles to give you a smooth, flawless facial appearance. BOTOX® Cosmetic is one of the most popular and trusted cosmetic treatments available to men and women today. Adding this injectable treatment to your beauty routine can help you to look youthful and fresh all the time! Let us tell you how…

What Is BOTOX® Cosmetic?

BOTOX® Cosmetic is an FDA-approved injectable treatment. The main ingredient in the BOTOX® Cosmetic solution is botulinum toxin-A, which is a neurotoxin. Neurotoxins work by temporarily blocking signals from your muscles to your brain. Once the treatment area is determined by you and your injector, the targeted muscles are injected and are temporarily paralyzed, keeping them from contracting and causing fine lines and wrinkles to form. This treatment is quick (often performed during a lunch break), and you can return to your normal activities right away.

The Benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic

There are many positive elements and benefits to BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment. Besides offering natural and refreshing results for men and women in a quick 15-minute treatment, other benefits include:

  • Almost immediate results
  • Minimally invasive treatment
  • Little to no pain and discomfort
  • No downtime
  • Prevention of more lines and wrinkles

BOTOX® Cosmetic Results

If you are suffering from unwanted lines and wrinkles on your face, then BOTOX® Cosmetic may be the solution you are looking for. A great skin care routine is key to having beautiful skin, but at the same time, prevention is also imperative. If you are cleansing and moisturizing well along with eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated, then that should be enough, right?! Sometimes it isn’t. Lines and wrinkles still develop on the face because of repetitive motions, environmental factors, and aging in general. BOTOX® Cosmetic can be used preventatively to stop the lines and wrinkles from getting worse. This treatment typically lasts about three months, so undergoing repeat treatments is suggested and recommended to maintain desired results. Adding BOTOX® Cosmetic to your beauty routine between facials, waxing, and other aesthetic enhancements can truly change the way you look while keeping a natural, youthful, and vibrant glow.

A flawless face and a wrinkle-free aesthetic are something to strive for. It not only enhances your appearance, but it may also increase your confidence and your quality of life so that you can live with at least one less thing to worry about!


For more information about BOTOX® Cosmetic, please schedule your consultation at Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!


Feeling “Normal” With Pellet Hormone Therapy

The effects of aging can be felt in many different ways. Some men and women experience wrinkles, volume loss, or other aesthetic concerns. Others experience weight gain (or loss) and reduced energy. And you may find yourself just feeling a little “blah,” not really like you used to. That could be the hormones. Age, pregnancy, environmental factors, and other lifestyle habits or underlying medical conditions can cause a hormone imbalance in your body. This can happen in both men and women for various reasons.

If you’re tired (literally) of not feeling like yourself, then pellet hormone therapy can help! At Pure Gold Medical Center, we offer hormone therapy to balance you back out and help make you feel “normal” again.

What Can Pellet Hormone Therapy Help With?

Hormone balancing can alleviate many symptoms like depression, anxiety, insomnia, hot flashes, and even decreased sexual desire. This treatment is suitable for men and women and helps with mental and physical health. Pellets are known to prevent chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, which are associated with low testosterone levels.

What Are Pellets?

Hormone pellets (or implants) are FDA-approved and made up of testosterone hormones that are pressed into very small solid cylinders. These pellets are larger than a grain of rice and smaller than a Tic Tac® and are most commonly inserted into the area near the hips using a small incision. Patients may notice redness, bruising, and swelling that may last about three to four days and tenderness that may last up to two weeks. Applying ice for one to two hours may reduce swelling. All side effects will dissipate over time.

What to Expect After My Treatment?

After your pellet has been inserted into your body, you will begin to feel the balancing effects within a few days. It is important that you follow all aftercare instructions given to you by our experienced professionals at Pure Gold Medical Center. Rigorous activity should be postponed for 48 hours, and keeping the incision clean and dry for the first two days is imperative. A few weeks after the pellet has been able to settle into place, you may feel an improvement in your mood, your immune system, and your memory. Pellet hormone therapy has been known to provide relief for night sweats, irritability, vaginal dryness, joint and muscular pain, decreased sex drive, depression, anxiety, and more. Your hormone pellet will dissolve naturally in your body after about three to four months. Afterwhich, you will need to have another pellet placed to maintain your desired results.

If you feel like there isn’t a way to get you back to “normal,” then reach out and schedule your consultation. Our professionals will discuss your options with you and go over any symptoms you have been noticing to determine the best course of action for you and your health at this time.


For more information about Pellet Hormone Therapy, please schedule your consultation at Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!


Treat Your Sun-Kissed Skin With Professional Spa Services

When the temperature rises, most individuals take the opportunity to wear skin-baring outfits and participate in summertime activities. However, excessive sun exposure and parching weather can take a toll on the skin, leaving it dry, damaged, and dull. Patients who are concerned about their lackluster complexion can benefit from minimally invasive and medical-grade treatments that are designed for their specific needs. Pure Gold Medical Center offers several spa services that can restore the skin to a softer, brighter, and healthier condition.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can smooth fine lines, address acne, and soften the texture of the skin using an acidic solution to dissolve dead skin cells. At Pure Gold Medical Center, patients can choose from the following peels:

  • VI Peel®: This line of peel products are entirely customizable for a range of skin types and aesthetic concerns. Depending on the severity of your condition, one or more products may be recommended to obtain optimal results.
  • Restorative peels: These mid-grade peels revive aged or damaged skin to restore its overall appearance using either Jessner’s peel or TCA. Each treatment is tailored to the patient’s unique objectives. 
  • Pure Gold Exclusive Rejuvenation Peel: This mid-grade peel, created exclusively at Pure Gold Medical Center, delivers consistent rejuvenation results. The formulas may include Jessner’s solution, TCA, or a combination of the two. 
  • Perfect Derma Peel: Patients with compound skin concerns can benefit from the Perfect Derma Peel. With its unique blend of acids and antioxidants, the Perfect Derma Peel treats a range of skin issues virtually anywhere on the body. 

Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Treatments

male facial treatment

Patients at Pure Gold Medical Center can maintain their skin’s natural beauty with personalized and regularly scheduled facial treatments. Alpha and beta hydroxy facials are particularly effective in balancing oily skin, smoothing fine lines, and treating acne. This treatment can be used as a standalone service or as a method of preserving the effects of another skin procedure. 


Microdermabrasion involves mechanical exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and reveal the brighter surface underneath. It also stimulates the production of rejuvenating collagen, which helps rebuild the structure of the skin. Minimal peeling may occur following treatment, but the results are visible almost immediately. With microdermabrasion, patients will see quick, natural effects and enjoy a youthful aesthetic that lasts. 

To see which spa treatments can help you achieve healthier skin, please schedule your consultation at Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!

How to Treat Male or Female Hair Loss Naturally

female hair loss

Hair loss can affect individuals, both male and female, of varying ages. Typically, this condition begins to develop during the aging process, but some may show signs of balding as early as their 20s. While thinning hair is commonly a cosmetic concern rather than a symptom of a severe medical issue, it can be upsetting and affect how a person feels about their appearance. Several professional treatments and cosmetic procedures, however, can combat hair loss in qualifying patients. Many patients suffering from hair loss can restore a fuller head of hair with hormone therapy and PRP hair rejuvenation.

Benefits of PRP and Hormone Therapy

Some of the main advantages of these treatments are: 

  • Non-surgical hair restoration
  • Minimally invasive approach
  • Natural results
  • Long-lasting effects.

Hormone Therapy

When a patient experiences hair loss as a result of hormonal imbalance, hormone therapy may be an appropriate solution. Hormone therapy using pellets is a quick, safe, and convenient way to introduce higher levels of testosterone into the body gradually. The pellets, which are approximately the size of a grain of rice, are placed under the skin. After implantation, they deliver a consistent dose of hormones into the body. Treatments should be scheduled three to six months apart. 


It can take a few months for the effects of hormone therapy begin to restore fullness to a patient’s hair. Other positive side effects should also develop, such as fewer mood swings, decreased occurrence of hot flashes, improved sleep, and a boosted libido. 

PRP Hair Restoration

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) contains valuable substances that promote cell regeneration and boost the body’s natural healing properties. During PRP hair restoration, a small amount of blood is obtained from the patient, processed with a centrifuge, and injected into the scalp. Concentrated with growth factors and platelets, PRP can activate dormant hair follicles, stimulating regrowth of thicker and healthier hair. 


With regularly scheduled treatment sessions, patients may begin to see an improvement in hair thickness and density. Depending on how the patient responds to this procedure, results may be maintained long-term with PRP treatments every six months or so.

Am I a Candidate for Hair Restoration?

Every patient’s case and goals are unique, so a hair restoration treatment must be tailored to his or her needs to produce optimal results. Candidacy for PRP or hormone therapy is determined during the initial consultation with Dr. Apodaca after a thorough evaluation of your condition and objectives. The highly experienced staff at Pure Gold Medical Center can assist you throughout your cosmetic journey to ensure you have a satisfactory experience. 

To find out which hair restoration options are ideal for you, please schedule your consultation by contacting Pure Gold Medical Center at 909-792-9404 today!

Treat Vaginal Laxity and Improve Your Sexual Enjoyment With ThermiVa®

happy woman privates

Many women find it difficult to discuss the condition of their intimate areas, especially as it pertains to their sexual wellness. However, it is important to communicate these problems before they take a toll on your quality of life. The sensitive inner and outer tissues of the vagina can change dramatically due to various factors. Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and menopause as well as the physical results of vaginal childbirth are common culprits of such concerns. Women who desire vaginal rejuvenation without surgery or downtime may consider treatment with ThermiVa®.

What Is ThermiVa®?

ThermiVa® is a state-of-the-art device that utilizes a combination of controlled radiofrequency (RF) and thermal energy to contract loose tissue. This non-invasive solution also stimulates the body’s production of fresh, healthy collagen, replenishing the treated area naturally. 

What ThermiVa® Can Do for You

Patients can enjoy beautiful results and more enjoyable sexual intercourse in the months following a ThermiVa® session. For patients who qualify for this vaginal rejuvenation treatment, ThermiVa® can do the following: 

  • Tighten the labia or vaginal canal
  • Increase vaginal lubrication
  • Enhance sexual comfort
  • Improve the ability to climax
  • Reduce urinary incontinence

The Procedure

The ThermiVa® wand is inserted into the vagina or placed on the outer tissues to deliver rejuvenating energy to the target area or areas. Each in-office appointment takes approximately 30 minutes, and patients can return to their usual routine immediately afterward. The results are intended to last as long as 12 months, but it is recommended to schedule one to two sessions per year to maintain the effects. 

The Consultation

Any cosmetic treatment must be personalized to reflect the patient’s medical and aesthetic needs to yield an ideal outcome. During your consultation with Dr. Apodaca, you can expect a comprehensive evaluation and thorough discussion about your individual objectives. The staff at Pure Gold Medical Spa has the experience and compassion needed to facilitate a welcoming and comfortable treatment experience from the first appointment to your recovery. 

To learn more about non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Apodaca by calling Pure Gold Medical Center at 909-792-9404 today!

What is BOTOX® Cosmetic and How Does It Work?

woman getting injection in forehead


Maintaining a fresh and vibrant aesthetic is important for many adults, both male and female. Aging and other cosmetic issues can be addressed in various ways depending on the outcome a person desires as well as his or her health and lifestyle choices. Surgery may be the appropriate option for patients with extensive facial aging, but there are also non-surgical methods to achieve a youthful appearance. 


The body produces less collagen and loses elasticity over time, compromising the structure of the skin and creating visible signs of aging. Some facial wrinkles form as a result of the skin folding over, but others are caused by repetitive muscle movements that crease the surface in certain areas. BOTOX® Cosmeticremedies this by temporarily halting specific muscle activity, preventing creases from forming. 

The Benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic

  • Non-surgical facial rejuvenation
  • Quick and safe treatment
  • Minimal risk of side effects
  • Natural-looking results
  • FDA-approved formula

How BOTOX® Cosmetic Works

BOTOX® Cosmetic is composed of botulinum toxin type A, a neurotoxin that is FDA-approved for effective and non-surgical facial rejuvenation. If you are unhappy with wrinkles between your eyebrows, across your forehead, or around your eyes, you may benefit from this treatment. Rather than restoring volume to recessed or wrinkled areas of the face, this product reduces specific muscle movements responsible for creating unsightly creases. 


The nerves send a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine to the region where nerve cells reach the muscle cells, prompting the muscles to contract. When injected by a highly trained and experienced specialist, BOTOX® Cosmetic inhibits the release of acetylcholine, leaving the targeted area relaxed and smooth. 

Results After BOTOX® Cosmetic

woman beautiful skin


There is no significant downtime needed after BOTOX® Cosmetic, so you can resume your daily routine immediately without having to make accommodations to your schedule. It may take between 24 and 48 hours for the effects to become noticeable, at which point you will see a visible improvement in the treated areas. Results are intended to last up to three to six months before needing a follow-up session. 

Other Non-surgical Options

While BOTOX® Cosmetic is an excellent solution for certain facial wrinkles, not all patients are good candidates for this treatment. Men and women with more severe facial creases or those who struggle with signs of aging related to volume loss may consider non-surgical treatment with fillers instead. 


Facial fillers come in a variety of formulas to address different areas of concern, including volume loss, wrinkles, and fine lines. The best way to know which type of procedure will give you the results you desire is by scheduling a private consultation with your specialist. During the appointment, you will have the chance to communicate your concerns, and your condition will be thoroughly evaluated. 


If you want to find out if you are a candidate for BOTOX® Cosmetic, please call Pure Gold Medical Center at 909-792-9404, and schedule your facial rejuvenation consultation today!

Obtain Natural, Voluptuous Curves With the Brazilian Butt Lift

curvy butt bikini

Aesthetic ideals tend to evolve over time, depending on what is trending and which beautiful celebrities are in the spotlight. In recent years, having round and voluptuous buttocks has become one of the most desirable cosmetic goals. Because not everyone is genetically blessed with a plump and firm derrière, many incorporate vigorous exercises into their schedules to get the curves they desire. Some men and women can achieve a larger, firmer bottom with daily squats and lunges, but these approaches do not always work for all individuals. Others opt for buttock augmentation with solid silicone implants, which are sometimes too noticeable and prominent for a person’s figure.

The Brazilian Butt Lift is an advanced fat transfer procedure that provides patients with gorgeous and all-natural buttock enhancement while simultaneously eliminating stubborn fat from problem areas. Common donor sites are the abdomen, thighs, back, love handles, and other parts of the body that tend to accumulate unwanted fat. This contouring surgery delivers stunning results to the entire silhouette, giving patients the sensuous curves they desire.

Benefits of the Brazilian Butt Lift

  • Natural enhancement
  • Permanent effects
  • Fat reduction in the donor site
  • Improved shape and contour
  • A safe and quick procedure

fat cells adipose tissueWhat a Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Is Like

A Brazilian Butt Lift procedure is performed with twilight sedation to ensure a safe and comfortable experience. Liposuction is performed to remove excess fatty tissue from a designated donor site. The collected fat is then purified to remove debris and excess fluid, and it is injected into the buttocks in layers to create the desired shape and size gradually. Approximately 50 to 70 percent of the injected fat cells permanently graft to the treated area. Those who select this method of buttock augmentation can return home the same day of their surgery.

Recovery After a Brazilian Butt Lift

Patients who undergo a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure typically experience some swelling and bruising, but these side effects should diminish considerably within two weeks. Wearing a compression garment for six to eight weeks can help minimize discomfort, improve blood flow, and support the buttocks as it heals. In order for the fat to graft successfully, sitting and putting direct pressure on the buttocks must be avoided until cleared by the surgeon.

Other Uses for Unwanted Fat

Aging often results in facial volume loss, creating hollowed areas and deep creases. Fat transfer is excellent not only for augmenting and reshaping the buttocks but also for providing patients with optimal facial rejuvenation. Patients with moderate-to-severe folds or sunken features who want a natural and long-lasting alternative to synthetic dermal fillers may consider fat transfer to the face to reach their aesthetic goals.


To schedule your private Brazilian Butt Lift or facial rejuvenation consultation, contact Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!

Contour Your Figure With Innovative Cold Treatments

sculpted man and woman


Most men and women work hard to achieve a sculpted and fit physique, especially one they can flaunt during the warmer summer months. Dedicated diet and exercise can help shed some body fat, but it is impossible to target stubborn pockets of fat with traditional approaches. The go-to procedure for addressing unwanted fat used to be liposuction, a surgical fat removal procedure that involves suctioning fatty tissue from designated areas using a thin, hollow cannula. While surgery can be effective, it is not the ideal solution for everyone. Fortunately, people now have other options that are less invasive with little to no downtime.

Drawbacks of Surgery

For many individuals, the idea of undergoing a cosmetic procedure can be daunting due to the risks, discomfort, and downtime associated with surgery. Others do not qualify for elective surgery due to specific health conditions that put them at a higher risk of experiencing complications. Due to recent advancements in aesthetic medicine, however, patients now have a range of minimally invasive treatment options that produce stunning results with fewer risks. Those who seek a slimmer, more chiseled figure can choose from multiple body contouring methods that can help them reach their goals without invasive surgery.

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Treatments

  • Reduced risk of side effects
  • No lengthy recovery needed
  • Comfortable treatment
  • Virtually scarless results

Advanced Contouring Options

woman fat reduction


Pure Gold Medical Center offers revolutionary contouring treatment with J-Plasma® Renuvion™ and CoolSculpting®, two of the most modern devices on the market that uses cooling technology. The most appropriate choice for you will depend on several factors, including, but not limited to: the desired extent of correction, the number of treatment areas, and the patient’s unique cosmetic objectives.

J-Plasma® Renuvion™

J-Plasma® Renuvion™ utilizes a combination of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) and radiofrequency (RF) energy to provide precise and customized sculpting results. The device can be applied to the surface of the skin for tightening effects or subdermally to dissolve fat and stimulate youthful collagen production. Unlike other approaches to body contouring, this treatment promotes skin contraction to address laxity and boost definition in the treated area.


Target areas:


  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Breasts
  • Thighs
  • Neck area


CoolSculpting® is an innovative, FDA-approved fat reduction treatment that delivers intense cooling to specific areas, destroying the fat cells in approximately one hour or less. CoolSculpting® is so comfortable that patients usually read, check emails, or play games while the device works. In the weeks following the procedure, the body gradually metabolizes the disrupted cells, revealing a slender, defined contour.


Target areas:


  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Chin

Which Treatment Do I Need?

All patients have different needs, so the type of treatment that will work best for you must be determined at a private consultation with an experienced physician. During the appointment, your anatomy, goals, and concerns will be evaluated to devise your customized treatment plan. Dr. Apodaca and his compassionate staff of specialists are dedicated to giving patients the most comfortable experience possible.


For more information about our modern body contouring treatments, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Apodaca at Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!

Facial Rejuvenation

It may seem like there is a new facial treatment announced every week, so it’s understandable to lose track of which one does what. Sometimes it can be difficult deciding what to choose as there can be more than one kind of facial available to tackle certain aesthetic issues. And while the newest facial available might sound exciting, and possibly perfect for you, you might find better luck with something that treats other issues as well.

Woman With Face Mask

Stop trying to figure out if you are right for a particular facial, instead see which facial is best suited for you.

It Starts With You

Before any treatment is suggested, a good physician will always interview you first. You may answer questions relating to your specific aesthetic goals, your medical history, and your lifestyle. This is done to ensure that you are not only paired with the right treatment, but that you also see the best possible results.

So let’s break down some of the major facials by what aesthetic concerns they aim to correct.

Facials for Wrinkles

  • Laser Rejuvenation Peels: Sciton MicroLaserPeel™ is a popular method of targeting wrinkles. Sciton MicroLaserPeel™ removes the top layers of skin in the treated area to create healthy new skin.
  • Photodynamic Therapy: If you’re only concerned with fine lines, this is a great option with little downtime (a few hours at most). Using BroadBand Light (BBL™), photodynamic therapy uses a low-intensity light to activate a special medication that’s applied to the skin.
  • BOTOX® Cosmetic: Okay, this isn’t a facial, sure. However, there’s no denying how effective and trusted this product is. This non-surgical treatment uses advanced medication injected into facial muscles to help them relax and, in turn, make those pesky wrinkles disappear. Results don’t last forever, but with a 10-minute procedure, getting another set of injections can be accomplished during your lunch hour.

Woman Getting Facial

Facials for Volume

  • Fat Transfer to the Face: If you’re not fond of injecting any chemicals into your body, you’re in luck. After removing fat from the lower part of the body using liposuction, it is then injected into facial muscles.
  • Facial Fillers: Perfect for those with smoker’s lines, smile lines, or those who want to add plumpness to their lips, JUVÉDERM® XC is a highly trusted option. This FDA-approved injectable gel can be used on any part of the face.
  • Y-Lift: A quick procedure that requires a titanium instrument inserted under the skin to maneuver facial muscles and facial fat to a more contoured shape. Once in place, facial fillers are used to hold everything in place. After the filler takes hold, the titanium instrument is taken out.

Facials for Sun Damage & Pigmentation

  • Photodynamic Therapy: Specifically designed to address sun-damaged skin and even eliminate pre-cancerous zones, BBL™ is a highly effective treatment option.

Facials for Tighter & Smoother Skin

  • PRP Facial Rejuvenation: Using platelet rich plasma (PRP) that’s separated from your own blood (you read that right), it is injected into the face to stimulate the development of new collagen and can restore damaged tissue. PRP has a multitude of benefits, including hair rejuvenation.

Pretty Woman With Hand On Face

Which Facial Is Right for You?

It’s time to speak with your trusted doctor about the options available to you. Remember that even though you may feel like you know exactly which treatment is right for you, it is ultimately a decision that should be made together between you and your doctor. It may be best to combine more than one treatment to achieve greater results in a shorter amount of time.

If you would like to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Apodaca, feel free to contact us at Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!