Will I still look like myself?

Friends and family often remark on a pleasant change in the patient’s face. There is no loss of personal identity—only a rejuvenation.

How long does a brow lift last?

It depends. If patient is careful with his or her skin and body and protects from the sun, a brow lift can last for ten years. If a patient is not careful, the brow lift will last a maximum of five years.

Do breast implants ever have to be replaced?

On average, silicone breast implants last 16 years. Saline breast implants only have to be replaced if they deflate. The merits of each will also be discussed during the consultation.

Where are the incisions made?

The incisions are made in the natural crease of the upper lid and just under the eyelashes or inside the eye. The incisions heal well and are almost imperceptible. Patients are given a local anesthetic before the procedure begins.