Category Archives: Facial Rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation

It may seem like there is a new facial treatment announced every week, so it’s understandable to lose track of which one does what. Sometimes it can be difficult deciding what to choose as there can be more than one kind of facial available to tackle certain aesthetic issues. And while the newest facial available might sound exciting, and possibly perfect for you, you might find better luck with something that treats other issues as well.

Woman With Face Mask

Stop trying to figure out if you are right for a particular facial, instead see which facial is best suited for you.

It Starts With You

Before any treatment is suggested, a good physician will always interview you first. You may answer questions relating to your specific aesthetic goals, your medical history, and your lifestyle. This is done to ensure that you are not only paired with the right treatment, but that you also see the best possible results.

So let’s break down some of the major facials by what aesthetic concerns they aim to correct.

Facials for Wrinkles

  • Laser Rejuvenation Peels: Sciton MicroLaserPeel™ is a popular method of targeting wrinkles. Sciton MicroLaserPeel™ removes the top layers of skin in the treated area to create healthy new skin.
  • Photodynamic Therapy: If you’re only concerned with fine lines, this is a great option with little downtime (a few hours at most). Using BroadBand Light (BBL™), photodynamic therapy uses a low-intensity light to activate a special medication that’s applied to the skin.
  • BOTOX® Cosmetic: Okay, this isn’t a facial, sure. However, there’s no denying how effective and trusted this product is. This non-surgical treatment uses advanced medication injected into facial muscles to help them relax and, in turn, make those pesky wrinkles disappear. Results don’t last forever, but with a 10-minute procedure, getting another set of injections can be accomplished during your lunch hour.

Woman Getting Facial

Facials for Volume

  • Fat Transfer to the Face: If you’re not fond of injecting any chemicals into your body, you’re in luck. After removing fat from the lower part of the body using liposuction, it is then injected into facial muscles.
  • Facial Fillers: Perfect for those with smoker’s lines, smile lines, or those who want to add plumpness to their lips, JUVÉDERM® XC is a highly trusted option. This FDA-approved injectable gel can be used on any part of the face.
  • Y-Lift: A quick procedure that requires a titanium instrument inserted under the skin to maneuver facial muscles and facial fat to a more contoured shape. Once in place, facial fillers are used to hold everything in place. After the filler takes hold, the titanium instrument is taken out.

Facials for Sun Damage & Pigmentation

  • Photodynamic Therapy: Specifically designed to address sun-damaged skin and even eliminate pre-cancerous zones, BBL™ is a highly effective treatment option.

Facials for Tighter & Smoother Skin

  • PRP Facial Rejuvenation: Using platelet rich plasma (PRP) that’s separated from your own blood (you read that right), it is injected into the face to stimulate the development of new collagen and can restore damaged tissue. PRP has a multitude of benefits, including hair rejuvenation.

Pretty Woman With Hand On Face

Which Facial Is Right for You?

It’s time to speak with your trusted doctor about the options available to you. Remember that even though you may feel like you know exactly which treatment is right for you, it is ultimately a decision that should be made together between you and your doctor. It may be best to combine more than one treatment to achieve greater results in a shorter amount of time.

If you would like to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Apodaca, feel free to contact us at Pure Gold Medical Center by calling 909-792-9404 today!