Category Archives: Hormone Balancing

Hormone Balancing

Diet and exercise play a vital part in shaping how we look and feel, but as we age, our bodies don’t produce the same amount of hormones as they used to. This affects everyone differently, so there is no blanket treatment option available.

Older Woman Hiking

Hormone Deficiencies: How Did We Get Here?

Remember when you could easily enjoy a full night’s sleep? Or when going to the gym made your mood better? That’s because your body’s hormone levels were balanced. As we enter our midlife years, these levels begin to fluctuate even before menopause occurs. These reduced levels of hormones can result in hot flashes, cause your skin to dry, lower libido, and also cause some individuals to experience depression, anxiety, or insomnia.

So how can we do something about the gifts of getting older? There are many treatment options available for both men and women. Some of the most trusted and effective solutions are relatively easy, including testosterone supplementation in the form of pellets, topical gel, lozenges, and injections.

For some, especially athletic people, hormone levels can become unbalanced at a much younger age than expected. Some patients have experienced hormone imbalance due to over-exercising, high sugar and refined carb intake, overeating, undereating, or lack of sleep.

Testosterone for Women

Yes, women need testosterone too! Did you know that on average a woman’s testosterone level peaks in her 20s? By the time she has reached menopause, testosterone levels are half of what they once were. However, your body will still produce testosterone, even at reduced levels, after the body no longer produces estrogen.

Testosterone pellets are a popular method of helping women maintain proper levels of testosterone with a constant regulated release into the body. This is achieved by placing the testosterone pellet under the skin of the patient, which will continue to remain there until it has dissolved completely into the body. There are many benefits of hormone therapy, including improved mood and healthier skin and hair.

Testosterone for Men

Testosterone pellets are highly effective for men, more so than creams, lozenges, or injections. This is because only testosterone pellets can provide a steady flow of testosterone administered into the body (if you skip an injection appointment or forget to take a lozenge, fluctuations in hormone levels start to happen).

Older Man Celebrating in Office

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

The pellet insertion procedure is quick and straightforward. There are many benefits of hormone therapy, including improved mood and healthier skin and hair. Plus, you only have to set up an appointment for additional pellets after the ones in your body have worn off, which is usually only every six months.

Older Woman Smiling With Hands Under Face

One of the significant benefits of hormone therapy is that the hormones found inside the pellets are bioidentical, so your body won’t be able to tell the difference between your natural hormones or the bioidentical hormones introduced into your body via pellets.

Two Older People High Fiving

Life With Hormone Therapy

Of course, just because you have hormone pellets inserted into your body, that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to neglect all aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a regular exercise routine and a nutritious diet is very important to ensure you continue keeping your hormones in perfect balance.

There are plenty of ways to help balance hormones, and when combined with hormone therapy, it can improve your results. Make sure you are eating at least 20 grams of protein with every meal. Protein helps suppress your appetite, which leaves you feeling fuller for longer periods of time.

Avoid refined sugar, such as high-fructose corn syrup. Keep your stress level managed by doing yoga or meditation, preferably 15 minutes each day. Green tea is great as it helps lower insulin levels (not the Arizona Green Tea as it is full of that pesky high-fructose corn syrup).

Another great food option is any fish with omega-3 fatty acids, such as albacore, salmon, trout, sardines, herring, and mackerel. Pair these dishes with a high-fiber side like sweet potatoes, quinoa, lentils, brussels sprouts, or any other food rich in fiber, and your hormones will definitely thank you.

If you are interested in learning more about how hormone therapy can help you, please schedule your initial consultation by calling Pure Gold Medical Center at 909-792-9404 today!