How to Treat Male or Female Hair Loss Naturally

female hair loss

Hair loss can affect individuals, both male and female, of varying ages. Typically, this condition begins to develop during the aging process, but some may show signs of balding as early as their 20s. While thinning hair is commonly a cosmetic concern rather than a symptom of a severe medical issue, it can be upsetting and affect how a person feels about their appearance. Several professional treatments and cosmetic procedures, however, can combat hair loss in qualifying patients. Many patients suffering from hair loss can restore a fuller head of hair with hormone therapy and PRP hair rejuvenation.

Benefits of PRP and Hormone Therapy

Some of the main advantages of these treatments are: 

  • Non-surgical hair restoration
  • Minimally invasive approach
  • Natural results
  • Long-lasting effects.

Hormone Therapy

When a patient experiences hair loss as a result of hormonal imbalance, hormone therapy may be an appropriate solution. Hormone therapy using pellets is a quick, safe, and convenient way to introduce higher levels of testosterone into the body gradually. The pellets, which are approximately the size of a grain of rice, are placed under the skin. After implantation, they deliver a consistent dose of hormones into the body. Treatments should be scheduled three to six months apart. 


It can take a few months for the effects of hormone therapy begin to restore fullness to a patient’s hair. Other positive side effects should also develop, such as fewer mood swings, decreased occurrence of hot flashes, improved sleep, and a boosted libido. 

PRP Hair Restoration

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) contains valuable substances that promote cell regeneration and boost the body’s natural healing properties. During PRP hair restoration, a small amount of blood is obtained from the patient, processed with a centrifuge, and injected into the scalp. Concentrated with growth factors and platelets, PRP can activate dormant hair follicles, stimulating regrowth of thicker and healthier hair. 


With regularly scheduled treatment sessions, patients may begin to see an improvement in hair thickness and density. Depending on how the patient responds to this procedure, results may be maintained long-term with PRP treatments every six months or so.

Am I a Candidate for Hair Restoration?

Every patient’s case and goals are unique, so a hair restoration treatment must be tailored to his or her needs to produce optimal results. Candidacy for PRP or hormone therapy is determined during the initial consultation with Dr. Apodaca after a thorough evaluation of your condition and objectives. The highly experienced staff at Pure Gold Medical Center can assist you throughout your cosmetic journey to ensure you have a satisfactory experience. 

To find out which hair restoration options are ideal for you, please schedule your consultation by contacting Pure Gold Medical Center at 909-792-9404 today!